Using VisionWeb’s Open Network Exchange (VisionWeb O.N.E.) technology, labs can automatically route orders that cannot be produced in-house to other labs or processing centers for fulfillment. This powerful tool allows orders to be submitted to an originating lab, outsourced for fulfillment to a secondary lab or processing center, and returned to the originating lab much faster, without manual intervention, and with fewer errors than with conventional methods.

Benefits of Seamless Order Routing:
- Reduced errors and rework as a result of outsourcing without manual intervention
- Improved turnaround time since data/order transfer happens instantly
- Ensured business contingency when capacity limitations or disasters occur
- Ability to expand product/service offering beyond in-house capabilities
- No charge to the sending laboratory for outsourcing orders
VisionWeb O.N.E. is compatible with all laboratory management systems that are integrated with VisionWeb. Please contact VisionWeb O.N.E. support at (800) 882-1446, or email for more information. |