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Electronic Order Processing

Using VisionWeb’s services will connect you with your customer electronically through many interfaces including VisionWeb’s online portal,, integrated practice management systems, and commerce-by-VisionWeb websites. More points of access to you mean more convenience for your customers. Through VisionWeb your customers can order to you anytime, so you can receive orders even when you are closed. Consider VisionWeb a virtual storefront for your products – open 24/7, every day of the year!


Functionality & Connectivity

Orders placed through VisionWeb’s ordering service are submitted to suppliers connected to the VisionWeb network through automated methods, including electronic data exchange, file transfer, or even fax, depending on your technical capabilities and preferred method of order receipt. 

Contact lens suppliers connected on the VisionWeb network can benefit from:

  • Seamless Ordering: Instantly receive orders without manual intervention, making the fulfillment process more efficient
  • Customized Product Catalogs: You control the products available for your customers to order, resulting in more accurate orders and fewer call-backs to your customers
  • Online Order Tracking: Provide up-to-date order status information to your customers, so they know where the order is in processing without calling your lab
  • Customer Service & Technical Support: Receive help managing your product catalog, training for your sales and customer service staff, and ongoing support for your customers
  • Sales & Marketing Support: Utilize a variety of sales tools that we provide to help you promote online ordering to you customers, or work with our team to create a custom marketing program for your business

Our team will work with you to customize your connection with VisionWeb based on your existing technology.

To learn more about becoming a VisionWeb-connected contact lens supplier, please contact or call (904) 443-1145.  For more information on sales and marketing support, please contact
